There are eight Parish Councillors who serve a four-year term. The Parish Council meets on the first Tuesday of each month. The dates of meetings for the coming year are shown on the Minutes and Agendas page. An agenda is posted on the website and a public notice is displayed on the noticeboard outside the Village Hall at least three days before each meeting. The public and press are invited and welcome to attend the meetings.
The Parish Council strives to provide effective, efficient and accountable local government for the parish, enabling residents to be involved in the life of the community and its future development. The Parish Council works hard to increase public involvement in the community through ensuring the Parish Council and its activities are open, transparent and accountable to residents.
Although Luppitt has a relatively small population, the Parish Council has always been very pro-active in parish maintenance.
The Parish Council works hard to improve the state of the roads, lanes and many footpaths. Ditches and drains are cleared regularly. Luppitt has an abundance of water throughout the parish and ditches need to be kept clear to accommodate this water. A large part of each meeting is dedicated to identifying problem areas that need attention.
The Parish Council is concerned and deals with issues that affect the local community. The Parish Council is a statutory consultee on planning matters and works towards the delivery of better services and facilities.
Whilst, generally speaking, Parish Councils have limited powers to make decisions, they are best placed to assess what the community needs. They do have the ability to negotiate with and have the power to influence those other organisations that do make final decisions such as other tiers of local government, etc.